Inorganic Material Database

Inorganic Material Database (AtomWork)

The Inorganic Material Database aims to cover all basic crystal structure, x-ray diffraction, property and phase diagram data of inorganic and metallic materials from main literature sources.

You have three choices to search data:
1. "Search material" - Search materials by specifying chemical system, chemical formula, substance name, structure type (prototype), Pearson symbol or space group number.
2. "Search Materials having specified property" - Search materials by specifying property.
3. "Search phase diagrams" - Search phase diagrams by specifying chemical system.

Number of open data

crystal structures82,000
material properties55,000
phase diagrams15,000

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About AtomWork data

AtomWork data part is a collaboration among: National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Tsukuba, Japan, Materials Phases Data System (MPDS), Vitznau, Switzerland, and Japan Science Technology Corporation (JST), Tokyo, Japan.
AtomWork data part is copyrighted by National Institute for Materials Science and Materials Phases Data System.
AtomWork data, release 2010/06, is published by National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan.


  • - P. Villars, Switzerland


  • - K. Cenzual, Switzerland (Structures)
  • - J. L. C. Daams, Netherlands (Structures)
  • - F. Hulliger, Switzerland (Physical Properties)
  • - H. Okamoto, Japan (Phase Diagrams)
  • - K. Osaki, Japan (Structures)
  • - A. Prince, UK (Phase Diagrams)
  • For details, please refer to PAULING FILE project.
  • The results of powder pattern simulations were obtained by software RIETAN-FP: F. Izumi and K. Momma, Solid State Phenom., 130 (2007) 15-20.

About AtomWork software

AtomWork software is developed and copyrighted by National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan.
Copyright(c)2010. All Rights Reserved.

About Database Citations

If you cite AtomWork Database in your papers, please include the URL or the paper below as the source of information.

National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) AtomWork <> (Accessed: <date accessed>)
Yibin Xu, Masayoshi Yamazaki, and Pierre Villars: Inorganic Materials Database for Exploring the Nature of Material: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50 (2011) 11RH02.


  • National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) holds the copyright of this database system.
  • No reproduction, republication or distribution to third parties of any content is permitted without written permission of NIMS.
  • NIMS takes no responsibility for any damage incurred by the user as a result of using this database system.

System Requirements

Browser : Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox



Scheduled system maintenance

Service may be unavailable every Wednesday from 18:00 to 20:00 (JST) due to scheduled system maintenance.